Go to the official site of the manufacturer Type the name and model of your device in the search box. Select your device and click the Support tab/button. You will get the download link for the specific USB Drivers for your device. ControlSpace Designer software provides all the necessary tools and functions to configure both the audio signal processing and network operation of Bose engineered sound processors and PowerMatch amplifiers. The Audio Network Interface (4 and 8 channel) is a Dante network device that provides analog audio input and outputs for the MXW system. It has a 4-port Gigabit Ethernet switch that enables the connection of an MXW access point, a computer and up to two MXW networked charging stations.
Download Amx Port Devices Driver Updater
Last Updated: Dec 29, 2019
New panel devices: Modero X Series
- 4.3 inch color widescreen wall-mount touch panel with intercom
- 480 x 800 resolution (portrait only)
- supports both single- and two-finger gestures
Video Graphics Fill: (Modero X Series only)
- Added new source option: MXA-MPL
NOTE: Enabling MXA-MPL source will require panel firmware v2.103.x or greater

Sub-Page View: (Modero X Series only)
- Added scrollbar indicator properties
- ScrollBar toggle enable/disable
- Scrollbar Offset position relative to right/bottom border
NOTE: Sub-Page View scrollbar will require panel firmware v2.103.x or greater
Page Flip Animations (Modero-X Series only)
- Added twelve new animated transitions for Modero-X Series panels:
- zoom in
- zoom out
- implode
- explode
- spin in
- spin out
- flip card
- tumble
- slats
- squish
- wipe
- waves
NOTE: New transitions will require panel firmware v2.103.x or greater.

- Fixed Space character issue with font amx_icons.ttf
- Fixed issue with non-referenced fonts remaining in .TP4 project file (For more details, refer to the 'Known Issues' section below.)
Function Map Tree: Added ability to expand/collapse ports
Panel Reports: Added Sub-Page Sets and Sub-Page View Buttons
Download Amx Port Devices Driver Ed
AMX USB Driver Information for USB Enabled G4 Panels
NOTE: The AMX USB driver is no longer bundled in the installations of TPDesign4 or other AMX software applications. This change is effective with the release of TPDesign4 version 2.7.
To download the latest AMX USB driver, please visit the AMX website. (Search on keyword 'AMX USBLAN'.)

After installation of the AMX USB Driver, please follow the steps below to ensure a valid USB connection to the G4 panels:
- Power up the Panel without the USB cable connected to the panel.
- Plug in the USB cable into the G4 panel.
- You should see an USB icon show up in the System Tray.
- Double click on the icon to bring up the list of USB devices you should see the 'AMX USB LAN LINK' device in the list).
- If the 'Install Driver' dialog doesn't appear automatically, select the 'Properties' button and then the 'Update Driver' button.
- When the Install Driver dialog does appear, click on the Next buttons, accepting all the default prompts.
- The OS will complain about the fact that the driver you are installing/updating does not have a digital signature. This is acceptable, so select to continue the installation.
- After installation is complete, you are ready to connect to the USB port of the G4 panel. This is done via the Virtual NetLinx Master connection in the Transfer->Connect dialog.
Known Issues - This section contains the identified issues that this version is shipping of the product contains
- Most languages can be entered into the state via Windows language packs. However, some languages are not supported by code-pages. These languages will display ??? for characters entered via the keyboard, even if the selected font supports the language. However, text in these languages can still be pasted via the clipboard.
- This TPDesign4 release adds support for list box buttons as well as marquee text and the new page-flip 'forget' acction for use with the R-4 remote device. The R-4 device does support these new features. However, these features are also available for the other existing panel types, but are as yet not supported in the existing firmware of those devices.
- If TPDesign4 is minimized when a transfer completes, the docking location of the toolbars and control bars will be lost.
- On some Windows NT operating systems you may receive the following error upon launching the application... 'Entry Point Not Found. The procedure entry point __lc_collate_cp could not be located in the dynamic link library MSVCRT.dll.' If this should occur, rebooting the machine should solve the issue, and this should only need to be performed once.
- Font Replacement
Starting with version 2.7, TPDesign4 will replace all instances of non-supported fonts with an appropriate replacement font when a panel project is opened. The panel project will be marked as modified at this point. The unsupported fonts, along with the corresponding replacement font, are listed below: - Unsupported Font: AMX Icon 2 Normal
- Replacement Font: AMX Icon 3
- Unused Fonts
- TPDesign4 users may occasionaly encounter the situation where fonts no longer used in the project continue to be retained in the project and sent to the touch panel. A modification has been added to TPD4 v3.3 Build 670 and greater to resolve this.
- This process requires three distinct actions to be taken by the user.
- Step 1 - Select 'Verify Function Maps' from the Panel menu. This will iterate through the entire project and rebuild all of the font references in addition to the function maps.
- Step 2 - Use the 'Find & Replace' feature from the Edit menu to replace all references to the font to be removed with a new font selection. This is located down in the 'States' section of properties.
This must be repeated for each font descriptor listed in the 'Search Criteria' (left) side of the dialog for the 'State-Font' property.
NOTE: Be sure to specify 'Entire Panel' for scope.
When all references have been replaced, the font should no longer appear in the list of font descriptors provided in the 'Search Criteria'. - Step 3 - Save the project. All unreferenced fonts should be dropped from the project when the project is saved.
NOTE: The 'AMX Icon 2 Normal' font should be removed from the collection of Windows registered fonts, as it can possibly create conflicts with the font 'AMX Icon 2'. This can be accomplished by going to the Fonts page in Windows Control Panel and deleting the entry for 'AMX Icon 2 Normal (True Type)'.